If you haven't heard of Westminster Abbey, then you definitely have been living under a rock. Although I will admit, I didn't know much about it apart from the fact that it's an abbey so it's holy. It has been the setting of every coronation since 1066, and it's been the venue for sixteen royal weddings including William and Kate's.
There's no photography inside, but they allow you to download any picture from their gallery online because they believe everyone should have access to the beauty and history held in the abbey.
It's still used for church services today while also being a place of burial for kings, queens, statesmen, poets, scientists, warriors, and musicians. Some well-known people resting there are Isaac Newton, Steven Hawkins, Nelson Mandela, Charles Darwin, Tomb of Mary Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I, Charles Dickens, and William Shakespeare has a memorial there, but his grave is in Stratford.
The pictures speak for themselves...
10/10 experience at Westminster Abbey. I promise it'll take your breath away!